Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Love Your Life ♥

 Do you ever catch yourself complaining about your current situation, realizing it's really not even anything to complain about? Naturally, it's something we all do. When you think about it, it's really quite unfortunate. I don't want to complain about my life, because I am blessed to have the life I do, just like all of you out there. My life is not extravagant, but I don't need for anything. I have a happy, blessed marriage, two beautiful, amazing children, a wonderful, supportive family, a beautiful, safe home and many more things I could continue to name. This past week has been one unlike any other during my 26 years. I had a bad fall and severely sprained my ankle. It was quite the recovery, sitting around feeling hopeless, not able to cook dinner for my family, clean up after my kids, let the dog out... But, if I learned anything from that experience, it's to be grateful for what you have, if you're not happy, do something to make your situation better! Love your life 

Enjoy this freebie printable! Right click and save to your desktop and print from there. I plan on framing this and adding it to my gallery wall in my office 

Sharing this on these lovely blogs!


  1. A positive outlook makes a wonderful life. Most people fail to notice the good in small things, so I'm glad to know that you're not like most people. Just like you, I don't think people need to live extravagantly just to be happy. Anyway, I hope your sprained ankle is getting better by the day. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Take care always! :)

    Sandra Walker @ Eric Risk

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and taking the time to stop by, read my post and comment! I appreciate you <3 Have a wonderful weekend!


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