Friday, August 29, 2014

Fab Pins of the Week

Hello beautiful and Happy Friday! I'm so happy it's the weekend! I'm looking forward to this three day weekend! Do you have any fun Labor Day traditions? We do not, so we're just looking forward to spending the time together! 

I posted last week on my Facebook page that I was caving in and decorating for Fall. I had began a few projects, and when my son came home from school he said, "Mommy, are you decorating for Fall already?" I said excitingly, "Yes!". He said, "I'm not ready for you to decorate yet, although I love how you decorate." What a cutie, maybe he's right. Maybe I shouldn't rush into it just yet. So, I'm giving him another week (at least) of no major Fall decor! That brings me to this week's pins, none other than Fall!

source unknown - pin
source unknown - pin

Please visit the source links to pin and share.

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