Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blueberry Stuffed French Toast Recipe + David Bromstad Designs + A Giveaway!!

Are you a coffee drinker? Let me tell you, it is my mode of survival! Without it, I'm no fun, ha! And with it this is how I feel.... "Given enough coffee I could rule the world"! Can you relate? I do, however, use creamer in my coffee, always have. So you can imagine I was pretty stoked when design star David Bromstad partnered with Coffee-mate and Target, making a splash with the limited edition bottles inspired my coffee and Coffee-mate. The new David Bromstad designed bottles (French Vanilla and Hazelnut flavors) will be available at Target stores nationwide! Why am I excited about that you say? Well, one I LOVE David Bromstad, have you seen the designs that man comes up with? Brilliant! And two, I'm a coffee freak (not to mention I'm Target obsessed), so this was basically a win-win for me!

It's a lot of fun when you can become inspired by a product you use to think outside the box! Not only do I love coffee creamer in my coffee (French Vanilla is my favorite!), but I like to explore recipes with it too! I recently made an absolutely delicious french toast recipe using the French Vanilla creamer. My kids and husband just raved over it, so I will certainly be making it again!

Here's the recipe:
Coffee-mate coffee creamer, flavor desired
3 large eggs
sliced bread
blueberries (optional)

Start by cracking your eggs into a bowl. Mix in your coffee creamer, pouring just enough to thicken the mixture (about 2-4 tablespoons). Add a teaspoon of vanilla and a dash of cinnamon. Grab a fork and mix well. Heat your frying pan to medium heat and melt a little butter, dip your slice of bread covering both sides into the egg mixture and place it onto the heated pan. Cook until slightly brown on each side. This mixture was enough to make 7 slices of french toast. Grab your blueberries, rinse and place them in a small bowl. Grab a fork and begin to mash them up, add a little bit of water to create a syrup-y mixture. Place the blueberry syrup between two pieces of french toast. You can add a small amount of syrup on top or a little powered sugar. This breakfast is full of flavor and simple to make!

Can you believe a little coffee creamer inspired all that? For more inspired fun, snap a photo of the newly designed bottles and share it on Facebook with the hashtag #CMInspiresSweepsEntry for a chance to win a year’s worth of Coffee-mate, $500 Target GiftCards, and a signed print from David Bromstad!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. People who go out there and help others and put others before themselves inspires me and motivates me to continuing doing volunteer work.

    1. That is very inspiring Ashley, we could use more people like that!! Thank you for stopping by and entering the giveaway!

  2. The children that I work with at my school and the people at my church is what inspires me!

    1. What great things to be inspired by Kaitlin! Thanks for entering the giveaway and congratulations on winning!!

  3. I love reading other blogs and watching youtubers that have become successful in whatever genre they're in. Just seeing other people "making it" doing what they love inspires me to keep working!

    1. That's fantastic Andrea! And you're so right, it is very inspiring to see other's succeeding doing what they love <3

  4. Coffeemate creamer in french toast is total genius!! We like to use up leftover holiday flavors that way. But putting blueberries inside? YUM!!!
    (visiting from The Scoop)

    1. April, I know, I totally can't wait to make some yummy recipes during the holidays this year using this technique!! Hope you make some tasty goodies too ;)


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