Sunday, September 9, 2012

{ Family Vacation 2012 }

Well here's a little recap of our family vacation to Hilton Head, SC.

It was our first time to Hilton Head, so we didn't really know what to expect! With Tropical Storm Issac out of the way, we were dreading that there would be bad weather, that wasn't at all the case! We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather :)

The first day of vaca we headed to the beach!! The water was like bath water, so warm! We had a great time treading the water and jumping waves! About three hours of us being there, I had my little Isabella on my hip walking about waste deep in the water, when I felt stinging in multiple places on both of my legs, and I could feel something brushing against my legs... I (slightly) started to freak out!! I told my husband, take the baby I just got stung by a jelly fish!! We couldn't get out of the water fast enough, it was awful, burning pain. My husband ran over the life guard on duty and she gave him a mixture of vinegar and salt water to spray on the fresh stings. It burned for quiet awhile, but all I could think about is how lucky we were that Isabella didn't get stung too! Needless to say, we left the beach for the day, but I wasn't going to let this ruin our vaca, not on the first day!!

We spent our days playing in the pool, sunning, building sandcastles, watching the sunsets, walking on the beach, searching for seashells and sand dollars, enjoying good seafood and lots of shopping :)

Oh, and Christian lost tooth #2!!!! He was so ecstatic! The tooth fairy even paid him a visit ;)

Christian learned how to swim too :) I was so proud of my little man this trip, he did so well! It just goes to show, truly, how quickly they grow up...

I was soo worried about how Isabella would sleep on this trip. She's a baby that loves her crib, so I didn't know how she would do about being away from it. We took a pack-and-play and set it up in our room first thing when we got there. I packed all her babies and ellie and blankets. The minute she saw all her "friends" she wanted to hop in. She blew me away the whole trip.. She took naps mid afternoon for about two-three hours, and slept the entire night without a peep! What a huge relief for Mommy and Daddy :)

We were extremely blessed, and had a fabulous vacation with family! I can't wait to do it again next year, minus the 13 hours car ride, blahh ;(


  1. I'm stopping by from Sunday social. I hope you guys had a great trip! By the photo's it looks like you guys did. I live in Raleigh & we had like 3 days of rain. You have a beautiful family!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Nikki! And we did have a great time :)

  2. Looks like a fun time, I love love love the beach!! New follower from the GFC blog hop :)


    1. So glad you're following Gina :) I love the beach too!!

  3. I live in Myrtle beach sc!!! Awesome!!! Hi new follower from and I would love it if you would visit!

    1. We love Myrtle! That's where we normally vacation, prob. headed back next year ;)

  4. Oh man, I've always wanted to vacation at Hilton Head ... this seals the deal, though I'm a little freaked out by the jellyfish story. Yikes!

    Stopping by from the Mom's Mingle, and am joining you as a Twitter follower!

    1. It was beautiful and we stayed in a lovely house, but that sorta did it in for me too! I guess it could happen anywhere though! Thanks so much for stopping by Michelle, have a beautiful week :)

  5. Hi there! My husband and I keep talking about vacationing there -- did you guys rent a house? Looks beautiful. Thanks for stopping by from the mingle. Now following :) Have a wonderful week!

    1. We did rent a home for the week in Palmetto Dunes. It's a beautifully secluded neighborhood with many amenities inside! Great for families :)

  6. Sounds like a wonderful vacation! Glad you enjoyed it. Visiting from Creative Headquarters Blog Hop. New follower too :)

  7. Great photos. Following you from blog hop.
    Will you follow back.
    Patricia from Topiary Rose

    1. Thank you for following Patricia!! I'm headed over to your blog right now :)


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