Friday, August 31, 2012

{ Why I Love Blogging... }

I love my followers, and love getting comments, but getting this comment tonight from Pretty in Place, made my whole week! She told me she featured me for an award... This isn't just any award, this is such a sincere show of support!

The Liebster Award is for blogs that have 200 followers or less. The word "Liebster" is German for kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, valued, cute, pleasant, endearing and welcome.

I love it!

Here are the rules for accepting the award:

1. Each person most post 11 things about themselves.

2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the people you tag with the award.

3. Chose 11 bloggers (with less then 200 followers) and link them in your post.

4. Go to their page and tell them about the award (social networks accepted).

5. If you have not done so already, follow the tagger and visit at least three nominees. Spread the love!

6. And remember, no tag backs!
ONE: 11 Things you don't know about me.
1. My name, Fotini, is Greek and means "bright- light"! I was named after my Yiayia (grandmother) on my Dads side. When I was young I didn't like my name because it was hard for people to pronounce and so different, now I love it!
2. I love getting into bed with cold sheets! So comfy ;)
3. I graduated Nursing school in 2008, but have never worked as a nurse. I'm lucky to have the opportunity to stay at home with my babies!
4. I created this blog while preparing for my wedding in October 2009. It's been such a blessing in my life!
5. I have a super soft- spot for animals. I love them, (almost) all of them! But I really love dogs! We have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Lola :)
6. I'd rather text than talk on the phone, is that bad?!
7.  I adore pictures!
8. I know very little, Spanish, French and Greek! Hey, it's better than knowing nothing at all, right??!
9. Fall is my favorite season! I love everything about it :)
10. I'm a huge sweets person! I have to have something sweet at least once a day...
11. My husband is my best friend! He is the cream to my coffee :)
TWO: Answers

1. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why? I know a lot of you might think I'm crazy, but, Kim Kardashian. I find her oddly intriguing and I think she's gorgeous!
2. Favorite childhood memory? Going on family vacations to Myrtle Beach with my grandparents!
3. If you could choose 3 words to describe you, what would they be? Honest, trustworthy and optimistic :)
4. Would you rather live in a small apartment in a big city or a large home out in the country? Def. large home out in the country. The country is where I wanna be!
5. What would your dream job be? Stylist.. Getting paid to shop, what could be better?!!
6. Dogs or cats? Dogs, all the way ;)
7. What is your all time favorite movie? Clueless, I know, kinda lame, but it takes me back to my childhood!
8. Staying in or going out? Staying in, I couldn't find any better company to have, than my hubby and kids.
9. Flats or heels? Flats.. I try heels, just doesn't last long.
10. If your house were on fire and you could only grab 3 things, what would they be? Kids, phone, dog.
11. What snacks would you bring on a road trip? coffee, cinnamon poptarts, spearmint gum.
THREE: 11 Questions for the winners.
1. What is your favorite season, and why?
2. Would you rather travel to Hawaii or Italy, why?
3. Favorite quote or saying:
4. Do you prefer long hair or short?
5. If you were given one million dollars, how would you spend it?
6. What is your decorating style?
7. Are you a reader? If so, what's the latest book you read?
8. Favorite flavor of ice cream:
9. What is something you want to accomplish within the next six months?
10. Do blondes really have more fun?!
11. What's your favorite vacation spot?
FOUR: Winners! Go check them out!
Let's keep it going girls!!


  1. Wow, I'm honored! Thank you so much for the award!!

  2. Yay! Congrats on the award! I'm a new follower from the Weekend Blog Walk, and I'd love a follow back at at when you get the chance! :)

    1. Sorry for the late response! Thanks so much for visiting, your blog is too cute!!

  3. Congrats on the award! And yes, knowing just a little of three extra languages is better than knowing nothing of other languages. What I'd really like to do is pick one language and get really good at it, I'm hoping to do that with Spanish.

    1. Thank you! My family is Greek, I would love to be able to conversate with them!!

  4. congrats, nice blog...will browse more of your previous blog sure theyre interesting


Thank you so much for visiting! I love to hear from you and look forward to seeing you back soon!