Tuesday, September 24, 2013

{ Peach, Caramel Frozen Yogurt }

Do you have a sweet tooth? I do! And I'm loving this delicious frozen yogurt recipe I came up with inplace of ice cream. It's sooo yummy!

With a few simple ingredients and a few hours of freezing time, you will have a homemade frozen yogurt. So lets get to it... Start with a 32 ounce container of vanilla Greek yogurt. I only used about 28 ounces or so (I'll explain later). Pour yogurt into a small mixing bowl and add a half cup of heavy whipping cream and mix well. For taste, I added a little dash of cinnamon and vanilla. Wash and dice a ripe peach and add to mixture. Next add crumbled graham crackers and carmel to your liking. Mix everything well and transfer back to the original container. This is why I only used 28 ounces as mentioned earlier so I would have room for the additional ingredients :) Freeze for a minimum of 4 hours before serving.

I topped mine with a little extra graham crackers and caramel for extra goodness!


Sharing this recipe on these fabulous blogs!


  1. I have a major sweet tooth and after seeing this recipe, it just got worst. ;) This seriously sounds SO good and has to be better than eating ice cream all the time right?! Thank you for sharing.

    I’d love it if you linked this up over at Living Well Spending Less for Thrifty Thursday this week! http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/category/thrifty-thursday/

  2. I definitely have a sweet tooth and am always looking for delicious but healthier ways to satisfy it.
    Thanks for sharing this at the Pinworthy Projects Party!

    1. Then you will LOVE this one Shannah ;) Thanks for stopping by friend!


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