Thursday, March 28, 2013

{ Blog Feature: The Lovely Bohemian }

Hey everyone! I'm Denise over at The Lovely Bohemian. My blog is all about my lifelong search for adventure and my need for the life of a bohemian. I've been blogging for a little over 4 years now and it mostly started out as an online diary, but now it's grown into so much more than that. It's a place where I can write my everyday thoughts and happenings and connect with people just like me. I was raised by a former-hippie mother who always taught me to be myself and constantly strive to be free. I never completely understood what she meant by "free" until I hit the age of 18 and realized I no longer wanted to live in my small hometown. My blog is a place where I can share my overwhelming desire to get out. To travel all over, to see everywhere, to experience everything. To truly be bohemian.

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  1. we are about to redo ours and i am so overwhelmed by all the beautiful choices in lighting, hardware, colors, textiles and on and on and on!

    1. It's so fun, yet overwhelming at the same time! Good luck :)


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