Wednesday, February 6, 2013

{ Meet Natasha... }

{about me}
Hi. My name is Natasha and I am an independent jewelry designer for a company, Origami Owl.  I fell in love with this product for this reason. I am a 25 year old teacher with a passion for inspiring people and making a difference. I love all things fashion and décor. Sunshine makes me smile, and happy commercials make me cry. I first encountered the O2 line, when I went to a jewelry bar with my aunt and could not believe how cool this product was. I fell in love with the idea of telling my story with jewelry. Their “make and take” concept made me want to know more. I needed to be apart of this new trend in customized jewelry. I have been a designer for 4 months and I am having so much fun. This line has given me so much joy.

{about O2}
Origami Owl is a fun way to share your life story, passion, or a cause. From time to time, there is a product that comes out and speaks for itself. This is one of those products. It is a simple concept that engages people with its “build your own locket” method of designing a locket that tells a story.  It is your own personal story.  It will never get old because it is your story.  Even as life and stories change, your locket can change with you.  New additions are always being released and they will always complement what you already have, allowing you to further build up your story even more. Origami Owl Jewelry is more than a necklace... it's something that touches people's hearts.

To check out the products, or order, please click HERE!

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