Sunday, November 25, 2012

{ JOY, Letters For My Mantle }

So, I thought I'd hop on the bandwagon with trying out the paper mache letters wrapped in yarn. I love the way they look and I knew they would look fantastic above my fireplace for Christmas! I chose the word "J O Y ", it's short and sweet and there's so much to be joyous for during the Christmas season! There are so many shades, texture and varieties of yarn. I went with a bright red yarn with specks of silver. I tend to decorate with red, white and silver for Christmas, so this would be perfect!

Here's what you're going to need for this project:
  • Paper mache letters of choice
  • Yarn, one spool should be enough (I had lots left over)
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun and glue
Since this was my first time doing this, I started with my "O" so I could get the hang of things without having to pull out any tricks.. I cut off about 2 feet on yarn to start with and glued one end to the back of my letter and began wrapping. I chose to leave some spacing in between mine so you could see the brown color of the paper mache. I like how it looked :) I continued doing my letter in small sections, gluing as I went along until the entire letter was complete! Next I did the letter "Y". This is where a little experience would come into play... I began with the shorter, top sections of the letter first. Then, I went to the middle, placing a small glue dot on the front and pressing to hold the yarn into place. Continue for as long as needed, wrap the bottom and glue. So, as I was saying about experience... I should have started by cutting small pieces of yarn for the "tops" for several rows of the "Y" and gluing into place. This would of given it a more completed look. I quickly learned my lesson, and did this with my remaining letter, "J". It takes an extra minute, or two but really makes a world of difference. 

And there you have it, adorable, personalized letters perfect for your mantle! 

Sharing this project on these lovely sites!


  1. LOVE! and I really like the candle holder too:)

    1. Thank you! I have a slight obsession with mercury glass ;)

  2. I LOVE these!!I've been wanting to do something similar and now you have made it easy:) And I'm obsessed with mercury glass too!

    1. And they're simple and fun! Hope you have fun making them :)

  3. Wow this looks beautiful! How long did it take you to complete?

    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog; I'm following you back :)

    - Erin xo - One girl's attempt at creating 365 different make-up looks in as many days

    1. I did it within a couple hour time period, I had to stop to feed the kids, clean up messes, etc ;) But I'd say it wouldn't take more than 1.5 hours, unless you're doing a larger word!

  4. Those are super cute


    Creative Raisins

  5. This is such a great idea - and so simple (I hope!) I'll definitely be trying this out for Christmas decor - thanks for sharing!!


    1. I hope you DO give it a try, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!!

  6. They are adorable! Found your project next to mine at the Diamond in the Stuff party. :)

  7. love the letters-- such a great idea!

  8. This is adorable! I'd love it if you stopped by my blog and shared this on my linky party!

  9. I'll be there ;) Enjoy the rest of your week!

  10. I love how simple and cute this is! You are so creative! I am loving your blog! I would love for you to visit me and join my site as well!

    1. {Blushing} I really appreciate your kind words :) I'm headed to your blog right now ;)

  11. Looks so pretty and festive! Love it! I think my kids would enjoy making these, too.

    1. Yes, this is such a perfect project for little ones! Great idea for them to make as gifts!!

  12. Love it! The shade of red is perfect too! Thanks for linking up to the CHQ Blog Hop! See you again next week!

    Barbara at Chase the Star

  13. Love this idea. New follower from the Hump Day Hop. Hope you will hop over and follow back.

  14. Hi wow loving this great idea! looks fabulous coming in from Local sugar Hawaii.newest follower would love if youd pop on over to my blog ?
    Hugs xo

  15. Cute idea;) Visiting from

  16. Love this, Fotini!


  17. I live the yarn you used for this project, add a nice bit of sparkle!! They look great especially up there on the mantle with the other Holiday décor items.

  18. This is an awesome project! I hope you will consider linking it up to the Pinworthy Projects Party over at my blog, Just Us Four.

  19. So simple and elegant. I'll have to try it!

  20. Yarn warms everything up ;)
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina


Thank you so much for visiting! I love to hear from you and look forward to seeing you back soon!